
KTP Membership


January 2024

Dear Sangha and Dharma Friends, Tibetan New Year begins on February 10 this year, ushering in the Year of the Wood Dragon. It could be a wild ride. May wisdom and compassion prevail!

We continue to offer opportunities for creation and completion practice with Chenrezik, Green Tara, Chagdrupa, Medicine Buddha, White Tara and Four Deities pujas. Calm abiding practice is ongoing with the Mahamudra retreat offered twice a year. Our discussion group continues to be centered on Seven Point Mind Training. Our current schedule of events can be found on our website.

Thank you for your continuing support of Kagyu Takten Puntsokling (KTP). Your donations of time and money allow us to continue as a Dharma center. Your membership renewal ensures that we can keep the doors open and the lights on and provide opportunities for study, practice, retreat and the support of our lineage Lamas. If you are not currently a member please consider becoming one.

We are a 501(c)(3) Religious Organization and your donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. To renew your membership for 2024, click on the printable coupon in the adjacent sidebar and mail it with a check payable to KTP to PO Box 771, Sebastopol, CA 95473. You may also just send a check to the above address and note if it is for membership or is a donation. Any amount appreciated!

Thank you again for your support. My best wishes for your health, happiness, good fortune and good practice in the coming year,
Lama Damtsik






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Join Us

To enable KTP to continue these activities, we ask for your renewed financial and active support. Your membership and donations help us cover operating expenses and fund donations to visiting lamas and Rinpoches in India.

We are a nonprofit 501[c](3) Religious Organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Membership Levels are as follows: Active Member, $20/month; Family Membership, $30/month; Supporting Member, $50/month. Benefits of membership include substantial discounts on all retreats, empowerments, bookstore purchases and cabin use. You will also receive Unlimited Merit! Please make your check payable to KTP.

Please click here for a printable membership coupon form

Membership Coupon